saip initiatves
SAIP responsible drinking initiatives
The Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership has collaborated to support, devise and deliver a number of responsible drinking initiatives that are currently live and producing positive results across Scotland. These include:
125ml Wine Measure
A campaign to publicise the presence of smaller wine measures, making them more widely available in the on-trade environment.
It’ll Cost You
Campaign to reduce under-age drinking by tackling the adults who buy it on their behalf, known as proxy-purchasing.
Drinkaware At Work
The Partnership is supporting Drinkaware roll out their free ‘Everything you need to know about alcohol’ sessions across Scotland. These sessions are designed to support employees in making better, more informed decisions about their drinking.
Confidence and Responsibility
The aim of the campaign is to welcome consumers back to the pub; to build reassurance that it is safe and explaining how the experience will be different.
Keep Track, Cut Back
The Keep Track, Cut Back campaign aims to support those who are concerned about their own drinking or someone they are close to.
“The Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership has collaborated to support, devise and deliver a number of responsible drinking initiatives that are currently live and producing positive results across Scotland.”